Harry Potter

Harry Potter

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012

The wand of destiny (or wand of death) is made with elderberry hairTrestálio at its core. She passed through the hands of many witchesover the centuries. To become the true owner of the wand (and gaintheir loyalty and use their incredible power to the maximum) you must kill(or subdue) the previous owner. In the 20th century, the wand was in the hands of the craftsman Gregorovitch wands, but soon after it wasstolen by the wizard Grindelwald. Grindelwald was defeated byDumbledore in 1945. Before he died, Dumbledore was disarmed byDraco Malfoy (1997), which became the rightful owner of the wand.Voldemort stole the wand from Dumbledore's grave without knowing thatthus would be canceling their true power. He did not know that Harryhad disarmed Draco before. In the final battle between Voldemort andHarry, the wand refused to kill his new master and turned against thedark lord. Harry replaced his wand in Dumbledore's tomb.

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